Van Welleman Villas
An Engineering Elucidation

Our Mission



“To build the very best and excell in safety, quality and comfort”, that is the mission of Van Welleman Villas®. This is far more than just a nice marketing slogan. Our strategy (i.e. “do the right job”) as well as our tactics (i.e. “do the job right”) are solely focused on this mission.

With 24 Dimensions of Excellence …

In order to quantify excellence, Van Welleman Villas® defined no less than 24 dimensions representing the three pillars of excellence (Safety, Quality, Comfort) we stand for. They have been defined to visualize and formalize our view on construction excellence. All of the important decisions we make are measured against these 24 criteria in order to ensure the very best possible choice.

Our First Priority … “Your Safety”

Electrical safety

Electrical safety refers to the overall amount of measures that have been taken to avoid electrocution of persons, avoid damage to devices caused by power disturbances and/or polluted power provisioning, and finally, avoid fire caused by sparks or excessive heat generation.



Protection against Radiation

Radiation safety refers to the limitation of RF (i.e. radio frequency), microwaves (e.g. the microwave oven, mobile phone) but also radioactive radiation (e.g. most smoke detectors contain radioactive elements). Especially microwaves are to be avoided due to the fact that they interact at molecular level (e.g. the heating of all water-based materials … such as the human body, brains etc.). Since long-term impacts are unknown, it is better to prevent than to cure.



Chemical safety

Chemical safety refers to the avoidance of using products containing potentially hazardous, toxic, or allergic products.



Physical safety

Physical safety refers to the use of products and/or solutions that avoid injuries (e.g. burrs, sharp edges,  slippery surfaces, etc.).



Prevention and detection of Fire, Smoke and Gas

This topic refers to the avoidance, detection and fighting of fire and gas. all detection and fighting systems have a redundant concept in order to ensure -as mach as possible- a failsafe operation.



Protection against Assault, Banditry and Aggression

Assault is not to be confused with burglary. A burglars’ primary goal is to avoid personal contact by all means and to get as much value-goods as possible in as little time as possible. As such, he will avoid drawing attention and will interrupt his action as soon as something or someone interferes. Assault is completely different in that it is not limited by the use of blind violence. Criminals can not be stopped with anti-burglary measures and therefore assault is defined as a separate safety object



Burglary and Access Control

Burglary safety (i.e. security) refers to all measures taken to avoid and detect burglary. Van Welleman Villas® considers anything beyond burglary detection being a form of assault. The latter is done to ensure our customers safety, regardless of the type of intruder.



Protection of Privacy, Personal Data and Home Automation

Data safety refers to all possible measures to protect the residential data (i.e. personal data, audio, video, home automation) from the outside world. In fact, all vital systems (e.g. the industrial home-automation) are completely separated from the Internet, stored in a bunker, and use a unique and proprietary “analog” communication technique making it impossible to hack from the outside and inside as well. Physical VLAN’s are used for local storage and video surveillance for additional safety.



Many forms of safety (not to be confused with “security”) exist and all of them need to be taken into account in order to ensure the best possible overall safety. That is why Van Welleman Villas® defined no less than eight different forms of safety, enabling us to measure and quantify the degree of safety. As such, we are able to enforce progress and continuous growth in excellence.

Our Second Priority … “Quality”

Many forms of quality exist and all of them need to be taken into account in order to ensure the best possible overall quality. That is why Van Welleman Villas® defined no less than eight different forms of quality, enabling us to measure and quantify the degree of quality. As such, we are able to enforce progress and continuous growth in excellence.


Robustness refers to the ability to cope with exterior forces on structures. It represents the degree of resistance against deformation (also see White Papers “Organic Matrix Foundations”, “Elevator Backbone”, “High Tensile Strength Concrete Basements, …).



Value retention

Value refers to the investment leverage and/or value for money of your real estate project.




The warranty reflects the degree of confidence a manufacturer has in its products. That is why Van Welleman Villas® provides 10 + 10 years (see WhitePaper “10 + 10 years Warranty” for more details).




Integration refers to the degree of integration of functionalities and services. An example is the influence of -for instance- the fire detection system on the behavior of the swimming pool or air exhaust system (also see White Papers “Safe Swimming Pools”, “Industrial Residential Automation”, “High Power Kitchen Counters”, …).




Modularity refers to the degree of “purpose-reallocation” of an environment in the house afterwards. It represents the flexibility to give any zone a new function, however, without having to heavily invest in construction works. An example could be the turning a sleeping room into a bathroom without having to touch the foundations or open the floors to access the plumbing.




Wear refers to the degree of resistance against use and deformation due to friction.




It goes without words that reducing our ecological footprint is mandatory. That is why we select environment-friendly materials where possible, …




Continuity refers to the continuous availability of all residential functions and services. An example of this is a high MTBF (i.e. Mean Time Between Failures) leading to a low fail-rate. That is why we decided not to implement traditional domotics (e.g. not reliable enough, too error-prone and not assault-proof) but to opt for far more reliable industrial automation instead (also see White Papers “Industrial Residential Automation”, “High Power Kitchen Counters”, …).

Our Third Priority … “Your Comfort”

Many forms of comfort exist and all of them need to be taken into account in order to ensure the best possible overall comfort-level. That is why Van Welleman Villas® defined no less than eight different forms of comfort, enabling us to measure and quantify the degree of comfort. As such, we are able to enforce progress and continuous growth in excellence.

Wellness and Leisure

Wellness and leisure refers to the measures avoiding the origin of stress as well as eliminating the consequences of it.



Thermal comfort

Thermal comfort refers to the ability to manage the thermal environmental elements, regardless of the traditional human inconsistencies (e.g. the “perception” of warmth versus the “actual” temperature).



Immediacy of Services

Immediacy of services refers to the “readiness” and the “around-the-clock” availability of services. This starts as early as outage prevention (e.g. our fuel ignition protection system that prevents burner outage due to fuel-flakes and sediment) up to the provisioning of backup services to avoid personal power outages due to failure of public power provisioning.



Acoustic comfort

Acoustical comfort refers to the isolation and insulation of all types of noise. This covers external sources (e.g. street noise) as well as internal sources (e.g. contact noise, music). Also, we avoid the implementation of these sources by opting alternatives where possible (e.g. using kinetic-neutral resonance technology in our cinemas) .




Serviceability refers to the reduction of the required amount of maintenance and/or the avoidance of repair (e.g. our pentagonal heating system that not only provides enhanced thermal comfort, but also reduces the risk for damaged floor tiles).



Visual comfort

Visual comfort refers to the avoidance of disturbing light sources (e.g. direct light rays), up to the eliminating of unwanted light reflections (e.g. Dark Space Media technologies in the cinema).



Logic and Peace of Mind

Logic and Peace of Mind refers to the mental comfort and use-friendliness of all implemented devices and home automation services.




Accessibility refers to the user-friendliness for the disabled and the elderly. It also includes the ease of access for the emergency services in case of calamities and accidents (i.e. “keeping the bad guys out but letting the right-ones in”).

Our Vision Explained …

In the “Academy” section of this website you can find an ever-growing amount of documents and video’s  providing an insight in the extension of measures we take to build the very best and excell in safety, quality and comfort.